
About SLB

The mission of SLB Medical is to anticipate and meet the needs of hospital pharmacists by supplying them with innovative and efficient medical devices.

The role of our staff is to work towards the development, the enhancement and the innovation of products and services used by healthcare facilities on a day-to-day basis.

Our main activity ranges from the design to the marketing of sterile medical devices in two areas:
preparation and administration of injectable solutions
bags for medical use

SLB Medical is located near Lyon, in France's second most powerful economic region.
SLB Médical 2 rue Jean Perrin BP 00038 F-69742 Genas cedex
phone +33 (0)4 78 49 88 66 fax +33 (0)4 72 02 14 65
sarl au capital de 10 000 euros 488 347 790 RCS Lyon siret 488 347 790 00039 code ape 4690Z TVA intracommunautaire FR 02 488 347 790

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