Our mission is to design and market medical devices meeting the needs of our clients. Medical devices have a leading role in the health and well-being of patients. A failure, however minor, can have detrimental effects for the patient.
In view of our activities, to meet the requirements of our clients, and to comply with regulatory and legal requirements, I chose, as the manager of SLB Medical, to base my quality policy on an efficient quality management system, on monitoring its implementation and on continuously improving its effectiveness.
This policy will enable us to control our activities and to achieve the following goals: - in terms of quality: ensure a level of quality and performance of the products in keeping with a high level of safety; - in terms of costs: offer prices corresponding to the needs of our clients to ensure their loyalty; - in terms of deadlines: maximize stock management and make logistics increasingly efficient, to work towards "zero delay" in delivery.
I believe the following to be important in achieving our goal package: • improve the quality and the competitiveness of our products and offers; • improve reliability of our deadlines; • improve the quality of our client focus; • improve the quality of our logistics.
I personally undertake to enforce this policy and, to this end, I delegate to the quality manager the task (in association with the relevant departments) of implementing and monitoring the quality system. This person reports directly to the directors about how the system is operating by acting as client contact for quality issues.
Finally, I personally undertake to use every possible means to make sure that the quality system is implemented and efficient, during yearly management review.
In reiterating the importance of satisfying the requirements of our clients and complying with regulatory and legal requirements, I request every member of SLB Medical to share this quality policy with me and to enforce it on a day-to-day basis.