
Our quality management system

SLB Medical has developed and documented a quality management system.

Implementing, maintaining and constantly improving effectiveness are the goals of the quality system started by our company in May 2006.

In order for our quality management system to function properly, we have identified and implement the following processes:

– a management process which centralizes cross-functional arrangements for all SLB Medical staff:

  • deployment of the quality policy
  • organisation, allocation and management of resources and means
  • quality planning
  • control system for documents and archives
  • assessment of the system and management review
  • controlled improvement
– operational processes, specific to activities involving service provision:
  • sales process
  • purchasing process
  • control process
  • logistics process


The management process and business processes are drawn up according to a PDCA philosophy:

(P = Plan, D = Do, C = Check, A = Act):
P: Establish criteria and methods to ensure that work is performed in an efficient and controlled
D: Provide the necessary resources and information for functioning and monitoring;
C: Check, measure and analyse;
A: Implement the necessary actions to obtain the planned results and continuous improvement.

These processes are handled in accordance with the requirements of the ISO 9001: 2015 standard.
SLB Médical 2 rue Jean Perrin BP 00038 F-69742 Genas cedex
phone +33 (0)4 78 49 88 66 fax +33 (0)4 72 02 14 65
sarl au capital de 10 000 euros 488 347 790 RCS Lyon siret 488 347 790 00039 code ape 4690Z TVA intracommunautaire FR 02 488 347 790

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